Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of the eye exam varies on the type of eye exam, how old you are, medications you are on as well as your general health or any health concerns determined by your optometrist during your eye exam.

Please call any of our three offices and one of our team members would be happy to give you an estimate of what your eye examination will cost.

Every insurance company is different and covers different amounts, just like various house insurance or car insurance no insurance is treated equal and as a result some companies will cover the entire eye examination whereas others will only cover a portion. It is also important to consider extra testing (including OCT and visual field tests as required and determined by your optometrist) may not be covered by your insurance company.

Although we do our best to understand the various insurance companies, our team members often are unaware of what your insurance company will cover so it is best to inform yourself of your coverage prior to your appointment.

As a general rule, children under the age of 19 require annual eye exams. Adults between 19-64 should have an eye exam at least every two years, and people with diabetes should have an exam at least once a year. Other health conditions assessed by your optometrist may also warrant more frequent eye examinations. Adults over 65 should have their eyes tested at least once a year. Contact lens wearers are recommended to have an annual eye health check.

At Rocky Mountain Optometry, however, we realize that everyone’s eye care needs are different, when you have your first eye exam with us we will help tailor an appropriate follow-up time to promote optimal visual status and eye health.

When your doctor is completing a full eye health check, it is sometimes necessary to perform a dilated eye examination. The dilating drops that are instilled into your eyes causes your pupils to increase in size allowing your optometrist to have a thorough health check of the back part of your eye. Dilation allows for detection of eye diseases at the back of the eye that may otherwise go undetected including diabetes, retinal detachments, cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, etc.

Your optometrist will discuss with you when eye dilation is required.

Although your vision is great, eye diseases often can go undetected due to their lack of symptoms in the early stages. However, like many diseases, if detected early can often be managed and treated with minimal overall health impact. Systemic diseases including diabetes, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, arthritis and many others may be detected during your eye health examination.

It is very important to have your child’s vision checked prior to commencing school, this allows the child to start school with their best foot (eye, ha) forward. Having blurred vision can cause your child to struggle with reading or even seeing the board in class.

Vision is not only just what your child can see, it is important to ensure that their focusing ability and the eyes ability to talk to one another is also accurate. If these aspects of your child’s vision aren’t accurate, then attention span and ability to maintain focus reading/writing can be reduced.